i am looking for info or explainations regarding the different status entries in the detailed report field and the upload status field in configuration managment/network/system and how to troubleshoot this to achieve synchronous in all fields.
From Config Management > Network > System, you click "Action" > "Upload", and after 5-10 minutes, what status do you see in each field? Brief explanation: there is one "overall" status here (at the top), and beneath that are several "individual database components" such as "Stations", "HIM", etc. In these "individual" fields, the term "synchronous" indicates that that specific Assistant/Informix database component matches the same data currently stored within the Switching Unit's memory (that's a GOOD thing!). For the "overall" status (the very top entry - above "Stations"), the term "synchronous" indicates that the status of the Switching Unit's memory matches the data stored in the RMX partition E on the system's hard disk (that's another GOOD thing!) Therefore, having all "Synchronous" entries means that all three copies of the 4000's database are equal (a GREAT thing!). A status/response other than "Synchronous" is not necessarily bad, and may be recoverable, but it COULD be bad.
If the individual components indicate "Synchronous", but the "overall" status does NOT indicate "Synchronous", click "Actions" > "Save", which writes the Switching Unit memory's database to partition E on the RMX side of the system hard drive. Sometimes you have to perform this action Twice, then it may indicate Synchronous. But if that overall status never indicates "Synchronous", then there is probably a hard disk issue, as the Switching Unit is not successfully writing to the HD. You can perform the AMO: DIS-DDSM:A1; to see the status of the hard drive (aka "controller 1") and the MO/CF (aka "controller 6"). For the Hard drive/Controller 1 info, look to see if this device is the "Active Load Device" (this is GOOD!). Look to see if the Hard Drive partitions E,F,G,H,I,J,K are "In Service" (GOOD Thing!). I have seen Synchronization problems many times after upgrades and/or hotfix activation. This usually means that Config Management or some other system component needs a hotfix, or the most recent hotfix was bad, etc. I could go on for quite a while.... Please post what you are actually seeing. Include a capture of the DIS-DDSM:A1; if possible. This info will help us provide more accurate assistance.
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