Technical User
CR 11.5
The subject line kind of summerizes what i need to do.
I have 'Order Date', 'Delivery Date' and 'Installation Date' dates that I am working with.
Some records have orders with an Order Date, wbut ith no Delivery or Installation Date. Some Have an Installation Date without a Delivery Date etc.
What i need is a formula to say 'if orderdate is null then show deliverydate and if deliverydate is show installationdate instead.
The subject line kind of summerizes what i need to do.
I have 'Order Date', 'Delivery Date' and 'Installation Date' dates that I am working with.
Some records have orders with an Order Date, wbut ith no Delivery or Installation Date. Some Have an Installation Date without a Delivery Date etc.
What i need is a formula to say 'if orderdate is null then show deliverydate and if deliverydate is show installationdate instead.