I have a script which runs from within the context menu in AD. By that I mean that when a user is created this script goes off and sets a number of properties in their AD entry including home area, profile location etc. To initiate the scrip is a manual process i.e. right click on the user and select the menu item to run the script.
The script references a single server and a fairly flat directory structure serving over 1800 users. I want to reduce the load on this server and have moved 600 users' home areas on to an alternative server. I want to add another menu item into the context menu in AD which processes an alternative script which references the alternative server.
There are two options here, firstly, add a script and a set of menu items per group of user that I need to run this against or, secondly, alter the script to include another set of checks and outcomes. I'm also looking into this solution.
I just wondered if anybody knew how to create a context menu item in AD that references a script. I have been trawling the web all morning looking for an answer.
I am running Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise with a parent and child domain (which will be rationalised later this year when migrate to 2008) and the users are all in the child domain.
Thanks in advance.
Fast, Cheap and Good pick two because if it's fast and cheap it won't be good, if it's cheap and good it won't be fast and if it's fast and good it won't be cheap
I have a script which runs from within the context menu in AD. By that I mean that when a user is created this script goes off and sets a number of properties in their AD entry including home area, profile location etc. To initiate the scrip is a manual process i.e. right click on the user and select the menu item to run the script.
The script references a single server and a fairly flat directory structure serving over 1800 users. I want to reduce the load on this server and have moved 600 users' home areas on to an alternative server. I want to add another menu item into the context menu in AD which processes an alternative script which references the alternative server.
There are two options here, firstly, add a script and a set of menu items per group of user that I need to run this against or, secondly, alter the script to include another set of checks and outcomes. I'm also looking into this solution.
I just wondered if anybody knew how to create a context menu item in AD that references a script. I have been trawling the web all morning looking for an answer.
I am running Windows Server 2003 R2 Enterprise with a parent and child domain (which will be rationalised later this year when migrate to 2008) and the users are all in the child domain.
Thanks in advance.
Fast, Cheap and Good pick two because if it's fast and cheap it won't be good, if it's cheap and good it won't be fast and if it's fast and good it won't be cheap