I want to show a message box with a message based on a result of a query. how do I do this?
Currently I have the message displayed in a Label control on my ASP page, but a pop up message box woudl make more sense.
the query checks to see if some records exisr.
so here is what I want to do:
private void myButton_Click(.....)
if (noRecExist)
show message box "No records"
message box "there are " + recordCount+ " records"
is this possible? I tried to add an onclick atribute to the button but that always shows before teh server code is executed not after
Currently I have the message displayed in a Label control on my ASP page, but a pop up message box woudl make more sense.
the query checks to see if some records exisr.
so here is what I want to do:
private void myButton_Click(.....)
if (noRecExist)
show message box "No records"
message box "there are " + recordCount+ " records"
is this possible? I tried to add an onclick atribute to the button but that always shows before teh server code is executed not after