Technical User
CRV10 - I have a payroll report that shows employee checks, itemizing deductions. I want the report to show only the LAST paycheck information for each employee. Some employees receive checks every two weeks, some every week, some monthly, etc. Does anyone know how I can get the report to show data for only the last paycheck for each employee? The report will include terminated employees as well so their last check could have been back in March. All checks specify a pay period ending date.
Grouping: Group 1 = Employee, Group 2 = Deduction Code
Expected Result:
Jane Doe, last pay period end Jan 8, 2005, deductions 375.00
John Brown, last pay period end Aug 27, 2005, deduction 700.00
Grouping: Group 1 = Employee, Group 2 = Deduction Code
Expected Result:
Jane Doe, last pay period end Jan 8, 2005, deductions 375.00
John Brown, last pay period end Aug 27, 2005, deduction 700.00