Need some help in the drop down menus. My menu hierarchy is:
Above each and every node is a link to some page. AMenu and HMenu are at same level with nested sub-menus. I have this whole nav bar in a separate jsp file and is placed on each page and used IFRAME that contains the above navigation page.
If a user clicks on AMenu it shows some page now in this page how can I show the menu with AMenu Hightlighted with expanded sub-menus and HMenu collapsed. Same way now if a user clicks on CMenu I want to show the AMenu structure expanded with CMenu highlighted and HMenu collapsed. Now if a user clicks on HMenu I just want to show HMenu highligted and expanded while AMenu to be collapsed and minimized.
I have used iframe to hold the Navigation so I can include it in my jsp pages along with other content. Any help is appreciated.
snippet of navigation itself:
Actually I wanted to make DMenu to collapse too but can't figure out how to do it so just have indented.
Above each and every node is a link to some page. AMenu and HMenu are at same level with nested sub-menus. I have this whole nav bar in a separate jsp file and is placed on each page and used IFRAME that contains the above navigation page.
If a user clicks on AMenu it shows some page now in this page how can I show the menu with AMenu Hightlighted with expanded sub-menus and HMenu collapsed. Same way now if a user clicks on CMenu I want to show the AMenu structure expanded with CMenu highlighted and HMenu collapsed. Now if a user clicks on HMenu I just want to show HMenu highligted and expanded while AMenu to be collapsed and minimized.
I have used iframe to hold the Navigation so I can include it in my jsp pages along with other content. Any help is appreciated.
............Some content
<IFRAME SRC="nav.jsp" width="214" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginwidth="0" height="400"
<!-- Alternate content for non-supporting browsers -->
.................. More Content
snippet of navigation itself:
<c onclick="javascript:pull('AMenu12');"><a href="busin.jsp">Business</a></c>
<d id="AMenu12">
<li><a href="beg.jsp">BMenu</a></li>
<li><a href="end.jsp">CMenu</a></li>
<li><a href="start.jsp">DMenu</a></li>
<li><a href="go1.jsp"> EMenu</a></li>
<li><a href="main.html"> FMenu</a></li>
<c onclick="javascript:pull('HMenu22');"><a href="#">Contact</a></c>
<d id="HMenu22">
<li><a href="mail.jsp">IMenu</a></li>
Actually I wanted to make DMenu to collapse too but can't figure out how to do it so just have indented.