Hi! My question is that I would like to open a CDialog using the ID associated to the window it shows; I mean, I've got several forms, each one belongs to a CDialog class, and I see for instance that one of then has the IDD_DATETOWN_DIALOG=105 and depending on the information I've got I decide to show it, then I was thinking about using
CDialog * dlg=(CDialog *) GetDlgItem(IDD_DATETOWN_DIALOG)
as I do if I declare an object of the class DateTown and show it with DoModal(); but doing it through the identifier it gives me a severe error and break the program
CDialog * dlg=(CDialog *) GetDlgItem(IDD_DATETOWN_DIALOG)
as I do if I declare an object of the class DateTown and show it with DoModal(); but doing it through the identifier it gives me a severe error and break the program