First off, I have not used CR parameters from VB much. I am wondering if value of txtMachine is blank, how do I show all of the data from a report table. Im using CR 8.5 and VB6
If Machine <> "" Then
crRpt.ParameterFields.GetItemByName("Machine").AddCurrentValue (txtMachine)
\\crRpt.ParameterFields.GetItemByName("Machine").AddCurrentValue (Select ALL rptname.Machine Records)
End If
Thankx in advance..
I appreciate you help
First off, I have not used CR parameters from VB much. I am wondering if value of txtMachine is blank, how do I show all of the data from a report table. Im using CR 8.5 and VB6
If Machine <> "" Then
crRpt.ParameterFields.GetItemByName("Machine").AddCurrentValue (txtMachine)
\\crRpt.ParameterFields.GetItemByName("Machine").AddCurrentValue (Select ALL rptname.Machine Records)
End If
Thankx in advance..
I appreciate you help