ok, I have hardware that takes a laptop out in a car somewhere and turns the radio wave into a lan connection.
You have to use tcp/ip to send across it but it is pretty simple. Ok I found a control (since I don't know anything about tcp/ip) called PowerTCP made by 'Dart'. It will cost me some money to get the control or I make my own control to sent data back and forth. What is an 'expert' opinion on this. How hard is it to learn enough to make my own control?
You have to use tcp/ip to send across it but it is pretty simple. Ok I found a control (since I don't know anything about tcp/ip) called PowerTCP made by 'Dart'. It will cost me some money to get the control or I make my own control to sent data back and forth. What is an 'expert' opinion on this. How hard is it to learn enough to make my own control?