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Should I first learn ADO.NET and XML before...

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New member
Jan 1, 1970
Hello.I don't quite know yet if I'll learn Asp.Net or Web services,but what must I learn before them?I've read somewhere I should learn XML,but I don't see the point in that since I'm learning C#.What about ADO.NET?
If someone could please give me some clues to what and why should I learn before moving on to ASP.NET or Web services.

Thank you for helping me !!!
There's kind of a new way of thinking with the .NET languages. C# is a language, but you can use it to program either desktop or web apps. So really, you could start off learning C# in an ASP.NET environment, and if thats where you want to end up (web apps) tahts the best way to go.

ADO.NET is just database connectivity and data manipulation in code, so you'll learn it as you go wether you stick to desktop or go web app.

XML is something I'd learn on the side (which is what I'm trying to do), as you'll want a good base in web apps before you tackle web services.

My .02 anyway

Thank you for your answer.
I'm a little confused here.So even if I decide to learn web services,I should first learn how to develope web apps?Wouldn't that take too long?
Also,when will I be able to make money out of web services?It seems people won't start realy using them for quite a few years.
Are web apps a way to go?


You should first learn the language. Really, a web service is just code that sits on a web server somewhere and can be accessed by other applications over the internet. So either learning desktop C# programming, or asp.net c# programming will help you with that. I'd suggest the web programming, but thats cause I'm a little biased (since thats what I do for aliving ;) )

However, since they are WEB services, you may get more use out of learning internet technologies developing web apps and then going on to web services might be more beneficial.

heh, and I'm not a marketing guy, so I'm not sure about the $$$ side of things. I wouldn't jump into web services just because people think thats the next .Com money spot. Learning the technology is more important.

As jfrost10 said there's a "new way of thinking with the .NET languages. I would also suggest you read the documentation of the .NET framework ( download the .NET framework SDK) and try to understand very well the concepts behind not only the languages but the framework itself.

I'm no Microsoft lover but those guys have created something really terrific.
Thank you guys,you really did came through.I still have some questions,but all in it's time.

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