My current .MDF file is about 92MG. ... when I run my nightly backups the backup size is about 79MG.
Is there enough free space left in my database .... can I use this to determine? Or is it better to expand my database to say 125MG for performance?
Does more free space speed up database access or read/writes?
Also I had several large tables in the database which I deleted .... Does that free space automatically for the database to use? Or do I have to run a shrink file on my database. kinda "Compact database" ? ...
Just trying to see if I can improve performance on the database.
Also the date on my actual MDF file stays the same even though records are being added daily .... Occasionally it will update the date but the size does not seem to change. Does the date generally only change if the file has to automatically grow? In other words adding records does not update the MDF file? .. I know the records go to the log ... but sometime down the line when the log issues a checkpoint .... shouldn't that update the date on the MDF file?
Just learning! .. thanks guys
Is there enough free space left in my database .... can I use this to determine? Or is it better to expand my database to say 125MG for performance?
Does more free space speed up database access or read/writes?
Also I had several large tables in the database which I deleted .... Does that free space automatically for the database to use? Or do I have to run a shrink file on my database. kinda "Compact database" ? ...
Just trying to see if I can improve performance on the database.
Also the date on my actual MDF file stays the same even though records are being added daily .... Occasionally it will update the date but the size does not seem to change. Does the date generally only change if the file has to automatically grow? In other words adding records does not update the MDF file? .. I know the records go to the log ... but sometime down the line when the log issues a checkpoint .... shouldn't that update the date on the MDF file?
Just learning! .. thanks guys