Sorry if this question betrays the gaps in my understanding of classes, but here goes. I've created a class of form which contains a grid, a drop-down which can be used to filter the grid and several buttons to select records, create a new record or close the form.
Now I want to create specific versions of this form with different data selections, numbers of columns and so on (for users, customers, banks etc.) Is it better to:
A) Subclass my generic form and so create classes with the specific details set. The main form in my project can then just call instances of the subclasses required.
B) Add multiple instances of the generic form to my project and then make the required modifications to each instance.
I'm just wondering if there are any principles that make once approach more logical/efficient than the other. Is it better to load up my class library or the forms section of my project? Or am I missing the point here?
Now I want to create specific versions of this form with different data selections, numbers of columns and so on (for users, customers, banks etc.) Is it better to:
A) Subclass my generic form and so create classes with the specific details set. The main form in my project can then just call instances of the subclasses required.
B) Add multiple instances of the generic form to my project and then make the required modifications to each instance.
I'm just wondering if there are any principles that make once approach more logical/efficient than the other. Is it better to load up my class library or the forms section of my project? Or am I missing the point here?