A really simple way to change all of your formulas is to use ASAP Utilities. It has a command that will allow you to do all of your formulas (or the ones you select) at one time.
I use ASAP for several features. That one is one of over 300 tools - and it's free. Gotta love that price. I just showed a coworker that he could create a directory of all of the files in a folder to compare with another folder. Each one had over 800 files so he wasn't looking forward to doing that manually.
I use it to change text case, find duplicate data, easily conditionally shade rows, and my favorite - add prefixes and suffixes to a series of numbers. I work with serial numbers that consist of an unchanging number, 3 unchanging letters, a 4-digit number that increases, and a single unchanging letter. Can't pick and drag to fill in the series of numbers so I do just the numbers, then use this to add in the rest of the info in one step.
My husband also uses this add-in - he's the one who showed it to me. It's saved us both A LOT of time
Just to stick my head in here and back up what's being said about ASAP utilities - exceptionally good add-in for excel!
Rgds, Geoff
We could learn a lot from crayons. Some are sharp, some are pretty and some are dull. Some have weird names and all are different colours but they all live in the same box.
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