How do you code shortcut keys, for example Ctrl-X or Ctrl-C and other options available in the Menu Editor? Where does the code go? ****************
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I'm not quite sure if this is what you mean...but here is the code for, let's say, having a msgbox pop-up everytime someone hits F5. (I can't remember the code for multiple keys such as Ctrl-C)
Private Sub Form_Load()
KeyPreview = True
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyDown()
If KeyCode = vbKeyF5 Then
MsgBox "You hit F5!"
End If
End Sub
IF anyone is looking for what I did to solve this:
In assigning the Ctrl + Key pairs to the menu commands in the Menu Editor, I was assigning but it wasn't calling them because I didn't have working data to the Subs associated with them... As soon as I found how to Cut, Copy, and Paste they started working....
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