I'm trying to create a shortcut with parameters in the Startup folder. However, I can't seem to get the " marks to appear in the right places. Must run on 98/ME/NT4/2000 & XP.
Tried all sorts of variations of:
' Create a shortcut object in the Startup folder
Set MyShortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(StartupPath & "\ServiceMgr.lnk"
' Set shortcut object properties and save it
MyShortcut.TargetPath = CmdPath & "scm.exe" & " -Action 1 - Server -Service MSSQLServer"
MyShortcut.WorkingDirectory = CmdPath
MyShortcut.WindowStyle = 4
MyShortcut.IconLocation =CmdPath & "scm.exe, 0"
I get a Shortcut, but I can't seem to get the target right.
Tried all sorts of variations of:
' Create a shortcut object in the Startup folder
Set MyShortcut = WshShell.CreateShortcut(StartupPath & "\ServiceMgr.lnk"
' Set shortcut object properties and save it
MyShortcut.TargetPath = CmdPath & "scm.exe" & " -Action 1 - Server -Service MSSQLServer"
MyShortcut.WorkingDirectory = CmdPath
MyShortcut.WindowStyle = 4
MyShortcut.IconLocation =CmdPath & "scm.exe, 0"
I get a Shortcut, but I can't seem to get the target right.