This is kicking my behind. I have two different servers, they have the same program (IIS with ASP), the same html code on both pages right after <html> and before <head>
<link REL="shortcut icon" HREF="favicon.ico" TYPE="image/x-icon">
The image is the same.. The ASP code is a little different, but that should not matter.
Any way, my problem is that I can get one to work but not the other. The one that works is internal to my company, but the external one is ... I can get Netscape to work with out a hitch, but when trying with IE, no dice.. any help would be appreciated.
<link REL="shortcut icon" HREF="favicon.ico" TYPE="image/x-icon">
The image is the same.. The ASP code is a little different, but that should not matter.
Any way, my problem is that I can get one to work but not the other. The one that works is internal to my company, but the external one is ... I can get Netscape to work with out a hitch, but when trying with IE, no dice.. any help would be appreciated.