I've started to do shipment entries now the trouble i am facing is the following:
I know that with shipment entry you cannot DELETE lines but you can add them.
Some items that have been shipped are items that I have been told are cancelled/deleted from the order.
But once they have already been shipped in the shipment entry they cannot be DELETED. I can change the description field
to say " ITEM NOT REQUIRED" but I am worried that this is going to effect our inventory. Because once that item is posted in the
shipment entry isn't it locked in??? So that code would show up in our inventory count and we would have to adjust it out.
Also is there any way to track how many shipments are being done for one order? I know in the shipment entry screen there is a section that says
"No. of shipment." IS there a report I can access that will show me the order number and all of the shipment entries that go with it?
Is there any way around this?
If anyone has any guides on how to use advanced features of shipment entry it would be much appreciated. I'm looking to train a few people
on shipment entry and everything I have found on my own has been very basic.
Any advice or help is greatly appreciated.