I had a database in Access 2K format that had an archive function that utilized the SHFileOperationA API call:
Private Declare Function apiSHFileOperation Lib "shell32.dll" _
Alias "SHFileOperationA" _
As Long
It works great in the 2K format database (opened in Access 2K3).
This past weekend, I upgraded a copy of the database to Access 2K3 format, and in my testing of the application, I found that the 2K3 database generates a windows error (wanting to send Microsoft a report) when it hits this API call. Access stops responding for about 15 seconds, then the error pops up asking if I want to create a backup copy of the database and compact it again. If I hit Send or Don't Send, the database closes.
The 2K database (opened in Access 2K3) works like a champ. On the same computer, the 2K3 database (opened in Access 2K3) generates the error and closes.
Does this API call not work with 2K3? Is there another I should be using?