while read x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 nc
eval "$(awk -v string="$nc" 'BEGIN {num=split(string,a,"/")} {len=length(string)} {lenx=length(a[num])} {printf "cdir=%s\n", substr(string,1,len-lenx-1)} END {printf "fnm=%s\n", a[num]}' )"
echo 'nc='$nc' cdir='$cdir' fnm='$fnm
done < /ptmp/wx52bh/fileMir.loc
Since the text in file fileMir.loc is more than one line, I expect to have more than one output.
However, the program stops after one output.
Any solutions or problems?
while read x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 nc
eval "$(awk -v string="$nc" 'BEGIN {num=split(string,a,"/")} {len=length(string)} {lenx=length(a[num])} {printf "cdir=%s\n", substr(string,1,len-lenx-1)} END {printf "fnm=%s\n", a[num]}' )"
echo 'nc='$nc' cdir='$cdir' fnm='$fnm
done < /ptmp/wx52bh/fileMir.loc
Since the text in file fileMir.loc is more than one line, I expect to have more than one output.
However, the program stops after one output.
Any solutions or problems?