Please help a newbie !
I have a shell script which takes 2 parameters
I now need to run this script usiong a control file
Control File contains
param1.1 param1.2
param2.1 param2.2
param3.1 param3.2
The shell script would be run 3 times
How can I set up a loop to achieve this?
I have tried
for i in `cat controlfile` but that gives 6 loops
while read i j < controlfile but that reopens controlfile each iteration-so loops endlessly
I could structure the controlfile like
but then how do I split one variable into 2 at the / ??
Ideas vey welcome
what I need is
I have a shell script which takes 2 parameters
I now need to run this script usiong a control file
Control File contains
param1.1 param1.2
param2.1 param2.2
param3.1 param3.2
The shell script would be run 3 times
How can I set up a loop to achieve this?
I have tried
for i in `cat controlfile` but that gives 6 loops
while read i j < controlfile but that reopens controlfile each iteration-so loops endlessly
I could structure the controlfile like
but then how do I split one variable into 2 at the / ??
Ideas vey welcome
what I need is