I am trying to run an ftp from a VBscript. The syntax I create can run as a .bat file or straight from a command line but not the way it is coded. What is wrong?
As coded:
Set objShell = CreateObject( "wScript.Shell" )
objShell.Run "ftp -vn -s:" & strFTPScriptFileName & " " & strFTPServerName & " >k:\week\prevc405_ftp.log", 0, True
With variables resolved:
objshell.Run "ftp -vn -s:k:\week\FTP_MF_FTP.txt xxxxprod.dmno.com >k
revc405_ftp.log", 0, True
As coded:
Set objShell = CreateObject( "wScript.Shell" )
objShell.Run "ftp -vn -s:" & strFTPScriptFileName & " " & strFTPServerName & " >k:\week\prevc405_ftp.log", 0, True
With variables resolved:
objshell.Run "ftp -vn -s:k:\week\FTP_MF_FTP.txt xxxxprod.dmno.com >k