I've posted before on this subject. Using the replies I received I researched and experimented, but ...
I cannot seem to be able to create a Shortcut (as an installation option) using VB6. The MS web site gives explicit instructions on what should be a simple API function, but this function 'fCreateShellLink' is credited to be in VB4 and VB5. Am I missing something simple or has this function been 'enhanced','improved','renamed' in VB6??
Steady ... %-)
I cannot seem to be able to create a Shortcut (as an installation option) using VB6. The MS web site gives explicit instructions on what should be a simple API function, but this function 'fCreateShellLink' is credited to be in VB4 and VB5. Am I missing something simple or has this function been 'enhanced','improved','renamed' in VB6??
Steady ... %-)