I'm developing a web page for intranet. The problem is only one people can open the webpage at the same time. i believe that the error:
Provider error '80004005'
Unspecified error
/hr/dbs/news.asp, line 6
line 6 is:
objCon.Open strcon
was given when more than 1 person try to browse the same page. Am I right, but I'm not sure. Because sometime the page come out so okay but sometime it will give that error. so ....
my question is , if we're sharing the same database in the internet do we have to set any properties or do any programming to let more than one user retrieve data from the same database?
I'm developing a web page for intranet. The problem is only one people can open the webpage at the same time. i believe that the error:
Provider error '80004005'
Unspecified error
/hr/dbs/news.asp, line 6
line 6 is:
objCon.Open strcon
was given when more than 1 person try to browse the same page. Am I right, but I'm not sure. Because sometime the page come out so okay but sometime it will give that error. so ....
my question is , if we're sharing the same database in the internet do we have to set any properties or do any programming to let more than one user retrieve data from the same database?