I have a report with sub report of a child's school history. When it is run the users puts in the date they want it to run for. i.e. 31/3.2001. I want it to show which school they were attending on that day. How do I pass the date parameter to the subreport. The subreport is linked by the student id.
I have created a formula that looks like this.
shared datevar tellme;
tellme ={?Date};
The report is grouped by Student Id and I have put the formula in the top of the group to make sure it is working but it displays blank. Can you tell me what I have done wrong.
In the subreport I want to use it like this.
schoolStartDate > tellme and schoolEndDate is < tellme or isnull(schoolEndDate)
Does that sound about right?
Learn something new every day *:->*
I have created a formula that looks like this.
shared datevar tellme;
tellme ={?Date};
The report is grouped by Student Id and I have put the formula in the top of the group to make sure it is working but it displays blank. Can you tell me what I have done wrong.
In the subreport I want to use it like this.
schoolStartDate > tellme and schoolEndDate is < tellme or isnull(schoolEndDate)
Does that sound about right?
Learn something new every day *:->*