My report utilizes shared variables. The report displays all of the correct information on the main report from the shared variables that are on 2 subreports. In order to total the amounts from the shared variable I needed the formula listed below.
numbervar mtdsharedsum :={@SHARED};
numbervar Summtdsharedsum := mtdsharedsum+Summtdsharedsum
Here's the problem. On the subreport the {@shared} variable is calculated as follows...
Sum ({@NET}, {@CONVERT})
The {@convert} is key to the formula since I need to see the costs by each general ledger number. @convert is a formula used to display the department extension of my G.L. number.
When I run the report and use the select expert to select multiple @convert numbers (basically 2 or more GL Dept's) the mtdsharedsum (this is the name for the formula listed in the first example) returns a running total value for each departments amounts.
How can I add @convert to the formula so that when the report is run each department will display it's own vales and not add the previous departments totals?
numbervar mtdsharedsum :={@SHARED};
numbervar Summtdsharedsum := mtdsharedsum+Summtdsharedsum
Here's the problem. On the subreport the {@shared} variable is calculated as follows...
Sum ({@NET}, {@CONVERT})
The {@convert} is key to the formula since I need to see the costs by each general ledger number. @convert is a formula used to display the department extension of my G.L. number.
When I run the report and use the select expert to select multiple @convert numbers (basically 2 or more GL Dept's) the mtdsharedsum (this is the name for the formula listed in the first example) returns a running total value for each departments amounts.
How can I add @convert to the formula so that when the report is run each department will display it's own vales and not add the previous departments totals?