Hello, we have a sub-report containing the Admission number for each Account. The shared variable array in the sub-report works. However, when I try to use the following formula on the main report, it is not returning the Admission shared array defined the sub-report - it's all zeroes. I need to look-up the Account and return the corresponding Admission number. Please help! I need to figure out before Sunday.
If it matters, on the sub-report I have 1 group (Account) and the array formula is the in Group Footer. On the main report, I have 3 groups, none of which are Account, but the Account is in the details. I've placed the sub-report in the Group Header 1, and the Array is in the Details. I've tried creating a group=Account but that didn't matter.
On the Sub-Report that works:
shared stringvar array Account;
shared numbervar array Admission;
numbervar n;
redim preserve Account[n];
Account[n]:={Crystal___Liaison_Acct_Referrals.Account Name};
redim preserve Admission[n];
Admission[n]:=Sum ({@Admission equal 1}, {Crystal___Liaison_Acct_Referrals.Account Name});
On the Main report that does not work:
shared stringvar array Account;
shared numbervar array Admission;
numbervar n;
numbervar displayhelp:=0;
for n:=1 to ubound (Account) do
(Account[n]={Crystal___Liaison_Account_Summary.Account Name})
If it matters, on the sub-report I have 1 group (Account) and the array formula is the in Group Footer. On the main report, I have 3 groups, none of which are Account, but the Account is in the details. I've placed the sub-report in the Group Header 1, and the Array is in the Details. I've tried creating a group=Account but that didn't matter.
On the Sub-Report that works:
shared stringvar array Account;
shared numbervar array Admission;
numbervar n;
redim preserve Account[n];
Account[n]:={Crystal___Liaison_Acct_Referrals.Account Name};
redim preserve Admission[n];
Admission[n]:=Sum ({@Admission equal 1}, {Crystal___Liaison_Acct_Referrals.Account Name});
On the Main report that does not work:
shared stringvar array Account;
shared numbervar array Admission;
numbervar n;
numbervar displayhelp:=0;
for n:=1 to ubound (Account) do
(Account[n]={Crystal___Liaison_Account_Summary.Account Name})