Hi All,
Have not been successful in make shared fonts work across swf's .
Setup is like this
main.swf -> contains font symbol in library (made export to runtime sharing with identifier as say "fontSym"), contains a window on stage and its contentPath set to child.swf, contains a loadLib symbol in library with its export to runtime sharing set.
child.swf -> contains just a label component (using prototype of setText method , i have done embedFonts to true and fontFamily to "fontSym"
I am not able to see the label pick the font symbol in child.swf loaded in the window of main.swf .Label component placed in main.swf shows the font picked up.
Any help is appreciated.
Have not been successful in make shared fonts work across swf's .
Setup is like this
main.swf -> contains font symbol in library (made export to runtime sharing with identifier as say "fontSym"), contains a window on stage and its contentPath set to child.swf, contains a loadLib symbol in library with its export to runtime sharing set.
child.swf -> contains just a label component (using prototype of setText method , i have done embedFonts to true and fontFamily to "fontSym"
I am not able to see the label pick the font symbol in child.swf loaded in the window of main.swf .Label component placed in main.swf shows the font picked up.
Any help is appreciated.