I am using the following scheme to share data between instances of the same program.
However can I use this scheme for sharing this data with the program that initiates these programs?
#pragma data_seg(".ID_DATA"
bool gb_1 = false; // In use flag for ID 1
bool gb_2 = false; // In use flag for ID 2
bool gb_3 = false; // In use flag for ID 3
bool gb_4 = false; // In use flag for ID 4
bool gbKeyPressed_1 = false; // Key pressed flag for ID 1
bool gbKeyPressed_2 = false; // Key pressed flag for ID 2
bool gbKeyPressed_31 = false; // Key pressed for IDU 3 ID 1 handle
bool gbKeyPressedID_32 = false; // Key pressed for ID 4 ID 2 handle
bool gbKeyPressedID_41 = false; // Key pressed for ID 3 ID 1 handle
bool gbKeyPressedID_42 = false; // Key pressed for ID 4 ID 2 handle
unsigned int gwA429_ID1 = 0; // key data for ID 1
unsigned int gwA429_ID2 = 0; // key data for ID 2
unsigned int gwA429_ID3 = 0; // key data for ID 3
unsigned int gwA429_ID4 = 0; // key data for ID 4
short giTransferID1 = 0; // Label ID for ID 1 transfer
short giTransferID2 = 0; // Label ID for ID 2 transfer
short giTransferID3 = 0; // Label ID for ID 3 transfer
short giTransferID4 = 0; // Label ID for ID 4 transfer
char gs1Key[6] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' , ' ', '\0'}; // Name of last ID 1 key press
char gs2Key[6] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' , ' ', '\0'}; // Name of last ID 2 key press
char gs3Key[6] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' , ' ', '\0'}; // Name of last ID 3 key press
char gs4Key[6] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' , ' ', '\0'}; // Name of last ID 4 key press
HANDLE ghMutex = NULL; // Mutex for controlled access to this data area
#pragma data_seg()
#pragma comment(linker, "/SECTION:.ID_DATA,RWS"
The calling program can see the bools, but not the char data.
Is this scheme only applicable to multiple instancs of the same program?
However can I use this scheme for sharing this data with the program that initiates these programs?
#pragma data_seg(".ID_DATA"
bool gb_1 = false; // In use flag for ID 1
bool gb_2 = false; // In use flag for ID 2
bool gb_3 = false; // In use flag for ID 3
bool gb_4 = false; // In use flag for ID 4
bool gbKeyPressed_1 = false; // Key pressed flag for ID 1
bool gbKeyPressed_2 = false; // Key pressed flag for ID 2
bool gbKeyPressed_31 = false; // Key pressed for IDU 3 ID 1 handle
bool gbKeyPressedID_32 = false; // Key pressed for ID 4 ID 2 handle
bool gbKeyPressedID_41 = false; // Key pressed for ID 3 ID 1 handle
bool gbKeyPressedID_42 = false; // Key pressed for ID 4 ID 2 handle
unsigned int gwA429_ID1 = 0; // key data for ID 1
unsigned int gwA429_ID2 = 0; // key data for ID 2
unsigned int gwA429_ID3 = 0; // key data for ID 3
unsigned int gwA429_ID4 = 0; // key data for ID 4
short giTransferID1 = 0; // Label ID for ID 1 transfer
short giTransferID2 = 0; // Label ID for ID 2 transfer
short giTransferID3 = 0; // Label ID for ID 3 transfer
short giTransferID4 = 0; // Label ID for ID 4 transfer
char gs1Key[6] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' , ' ', '\0'}; // Name of last ID 1 key press
char gs2Key[6] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' , ' ', '\0'}; // Name of last ID 2 key press
char gs3Key[6] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' , ' ', '\0'}; // Name of last ID 3 key press
char gs4Key[6] = {' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' , ' ', '\0'}; // Name of last ID 4 key press
HANDLE ghMutex = NULL; // Mutex for controlled access to this data area
#pragma data_seg()
#pragma comment(linker, "/SECTION:.ID_DATA,RWS"
The calling program can see the bools, but not the char data.
Is this scheme only applicable to multiple instancs of the same program?