Technical User
I've written a simple method that reads a huge file from disk into memory. Before starting that I show a thread with a clock.
But the window is created only without the clock and it stays transparent except the border and the caption with system menue and so on.
So I want to allow the clock window to work during the loop.
I do not have any idea how to realize this with java. I've tried a lot but nothing works.
Is there an easy way to solve this problem?
Best regards
I've written a simple method that reads a huge file from disk into memory. Before starting that I show a thread with a clock.
But the window is created only without the clock and it stays transparent except the border and the caption with system menue and so on.
So I want to allow the clock window to work during the loop.
I do not have any idea how to realize this with java. I've tried a lot but nothing works.
Is there an easy way to solve this problem?
Best regards