Hello All,
For some reason our shadow copy on one of our servers are only keeping 2 days worth of data. It used to keep at least a months worth. Our settings are:
Schedule- M-F 7:00am,12:00PM, and 4:00PM
Shadow Copy Disk Space
Used: 2687MB
Max: 85823MB
Total Disk Space
Free: 446255MB
Total: 858238MB
For some reason our shadow copy on one of our servers are only keeping 2 days worth of data. It used to keep at least a months worth. Our settings are:
Schedule- M-F 7:00am,12:00PM, and 4:00PM
Shadow Copy Disk Space
Used: 2687MB
Max: 85823MB
Total Disk Space
Free: 446255MB
Total: 858238MB