Hey Team,
Some background: I have frmWorkDirective with sfrmMaterialsList. User inputs all information for the WorkDirective, then inputs all Materials used on MaterialList.
Problem is, with new parts coming in as we expand, they aren't all in the Source Table: tblMaterials. So, I created a new Form to create the New Materials (frmNewMaterial). On frmWorkDirective I have a Command Button that will open frmNewMaterial & automatically go to New Record. The User can input the New Material, Save the Record & Close the Form.
However, when I go back to sfrmMaterialsList, the New Material just created doesn't show up. Any thoughts/ideas on how to rectify this problem?
Some background: I have frmWorkDirective with sfrmMaterialsList. User inputs all information for the WorkDirective, then inputs all Materials used on MaterialList.
Problem is, with new parts coming in as we expand, they aren't all in the Source Table: tblMaterials. So, I created a new Form to create the New Materials (frmNewMaterial). On frmWorkDirective I have a Command Button that will open frmNewMaterial & automatically go to New Record. The User can input the New Material, Save the Record & Close the Form.
However, when I go back to sfrmMaterialsList, the New Material just created doesn't show up. Any thoughts/ideas on how to rectify this problem?