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Severe Com/ADO Error 1

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Nov 20, 2003
I have the Macola Accounting Package. I am getting the foll error:

Severe COM/ADO error occured in MacMSS.dll........
DB provider Error: Native Error Number: 170
Error Number 0x80040E14
Line1: Incorrect syntax near 'S'.............

any ideas?

In what process are you getting the error message. It looks like the end of the message, it told you what table it got the error on

Typically, COM/ADO errors tend to be hardware/network related.

Lets see where you are getting it and we'll go from there.

Kevin Scheeler
I am trying to get the Account Payable View

The table name at the bottom of the error is


The entire message is

Severe COM/ADO error occured in MacMSS.dll
DB provider Error: Native Error Number: 170
Error Number 0x80040E14
Line1: Incorrect syntax near 'S' Native error number 105
Error Number: 0x80040e14
Unclosed quotation mark before the character string".
COM Error: Error
Code = 0x80040e14
Code meaning = IDispatch error #3092
Source = Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Description = Line1: Incorrect syntax near 'S'.
Op: 98, fhExecuteFunctionEx
Table or Script: [server].[DATA_11].DBO.[APOPNFIL_SQL]
I would check for a ' or a " within the vend_no field in APVENFIL_SQL and APOPNFIL_SQL table and also the sort_name in APVENFIL_SQL table. If you don't find either character in one of those fields, I would look at the various indexes on the two tables and search those fields. It looks like SQL is trying to search/sort the data and is finding one of those characters and then is expecting a closing one.

Is this happening for everyone or for a specific vendor?

Kevin Scheeler
Only happening for a specific vendor.
The vendor name has an "'" at the end. Like (TESTING'S). I checked the APVENFIL_SQL table and get the foll

vend_no = TESTING'S
sort_name = TESTINGS

Could that be the problem?

I would say it is. Is it a new vendor or is this just the first time that they've tried to do a lookup on it in the vendor view screen.

If you recently converted from Btrieve, Btrieve probably didn't care about the ' character. It was much more forgiving on things like that.

Kevin Scheeler
This is an old vendor. We printed on this report before. That what's confusing.

What version of Macola are you running and did you recently upgrade to that version from an earlier one?

Kevin Scheeler
Also try and run a file validation report on the APVENFIL and see if there are any errors on this vendor.

Software Sales, Training, Implementation and Support for Exact Macola, eSynergy, and Crystal Reports
I posted the same problem awhile back. I was receiving the same error in a lot of diffferenct scenarios, but mostly in the PO files. We fixed the issue. We discovered that we were using the standard version of sql server 2000 with no service packs installed. We installed the latest service packs on sql server and everything has been working fine since then. Hope this helps. Run this query in query analyzer to find out what version you have.

select @@version or exec master..xp_msver
Hi there, I'm currently using Macola. I'm facing below error in my server:

Severe COM/ADO error occured in MacMss.dll
DB Provider Error:Native Error number:0
Error number:0x80004005
Connection failure
COM Error:Error
Code =Ox80004005
Code meaning = Unspecified error
Source =Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Description = Connection failure
Op:00, fhOpenInput

MSL Error Info:
Type:MSL Connection Error.

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