I am using the Windows GUI version of VIM and I've added the following settings to the configuration file.
set nowrap
set ts=4
set ai
set si
Now my problem is when I type something like
{<- `and I hit return here'
*<- `it brings me way dowm here`
*<- ` but I want to be tabbed in this far`
is there any setting in the config file that would make VIM know that it is only supposted to tab in 4 spaces from the `{` on the next line. It's very fustrating having to backspace all the time. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!!
I am using the Windows GUI version of VIM and I've added the following settings to the configuration file.
set nowrap
set ts=4
set ai
set si
Now my problem is when I type something like
{<- `and I hit return here'
*<- `it brings me way dowm here`
*<- ` but I want to be tabbed in this far`
is there any setting in the config file that would make VIM know that it is only supposted to tab in 4 spaces from the `{` on the next line. It's very fustrating having to backspace all the time. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!!