As per my requirement, I want to set the flash 5.0 button caption dynamically using dynamic text. Actually I am working on a multilingual web tool. I want to change the button caption as per the language selected by the application user. I need to to pass various text strings in flash movie at run time to display the button caption. Language could be anyone selected by user viz, french, german, korean etc. Hence my flash movie should be able to support various other charsets (e.g. utf-8) too, apart from standard ISO charset.
As per my requirement, I want to set the flash 5.0 button caption dynamically using dynamic text. Actually I am working on a multilingual web tool. I want to change the button caption as per the language selected by the application user. I need to to pass various text strings in flash movie at run time to display the button caption. Language could be anyone selected by user viz, french, german, korean etc. Hence my flash movie should be able to support various other charsets (e.g. utf-8) too, apart from standard ISO charset.