#2- In ConsoleOne- select the volume, go to properties, select the "Users with Space Limitations" tab, highlight the desired user, select "Modify".
In NWAdmin- Select the volume, go to "Details", select the "User Space Limits", highlight the desired user, select "Modify".
The above is for volume restrictions, which will restrict the user to a total of the set space for all directories. If you set it to 1 Gb, that is all he will be able to use anywhere on the volume.
A better way, I think would be to limit the space on the individual directories. For example, to restrict the home directory size:
In ConsoleOne: Find the directory, select properties, facts, click restrict size, set the size, click OK.
In NWAdmin- Find the directory, select details, select Facts, click restrict size, set the size, click OK.
This will restrict that directory from growing past the set size, regardless of who is using it. When the directory gets full, the users will get an out of disk space error. At that point, it is time for them to do some housekeeping. Good luck- Steve.
Don't worry that it is in the 4.11 documentation, it works with 5 also. There are new utilities for NDS 8x
#2 - Beaghler answered this one; however, you can also choose multiple objects in both NWAdmin and ConsoleOne; after highlighting the user object you want to edit - click File - "Properties of Multiple Objects" (ConsoleOne) or click Object - "Details on Multiple Users" (NWAdmin). Brent Schmidt CNE, Network +
Senior Network Engineer
Why do user go into a panic when a NetWare server goes down, but accept it as normal when a Windows server goes down?
I have a template for each of my locations and user disk limits is one of the property buttons. I set it there so that it will apply to any users I create.
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