I am trying to set source code which I accessed from the internet in a JBuilder project (It's code supplied to demonstrate how to use a library). I created a project and copied all the source code into the src directory of the project. I added "package packagename;" at the top of the class files.
However some of the files are read-only. When I try to build the project I get the following error:
"Frame1$SymWindow.java".Error#.700:can't read:file:///C%|/Documents and Settings/aishling/jbproject/jrtpmon/src/jrtpmon/Frame1$SymWindow.java
I checked this directory and the file is definately there. Is this because I can't add the "package packagename;" line at the start?Can someone advise me please?
Many thanks
I am trying to set source code which I accessed from the internet in a JBuilder project (It's code supplied to demonstrate how to use a library). I created a project and copied all the source code into the src directory of the project. I added "package packagename;" at the top of the class files.
However some of the files are read-only. When I try to build the project I get the following error:
"Frame1$SymWindow.java".Error#.700:can't read:file:///C%|/Documents and Settings/aishling/jbproject/jrtpmon/src/jrtpmon/Frame1$SymWindow.java
I checked this directory and the file is definately there. Is this because I can't add the "package packagename;" line at the start?Can someone advise me please?
Many thanks