Here is my method for setting up RD on multiple stations.
If youre computer does not have RD installed you can download it from here.
Ok lets look at it this way. The router will open ports to allow you to access the computers from the internet correct.
So if computer 1 has an ip address of and a remote desktop port of 3389 you woould open that port in the router then from outside the lan you will type youreipaddress:3389 and from inside the lan you will type
Now if you have more than one computer you want to acccess you would set the additional computers with different ports such as computer 2 would be or oustide youreipaddress:3390 and so on and so on..
So then in youre router you would have the open ports to access the individual computers. Think of the port number as a individual house number and the ip address is the street number.
Now to get the port numbers changed on each of the windows xp machines you can do it 2 ways :
Copy this script that i found and save it as portchange.vbs then exeecute the script on all the computers that you want to change.
'Script used to change the Default Terminal Services Port
'On Error Resume Next
'open the file system object
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set WSHShell = wscript.createObject("")
Dim WshNet 'WshNetwork object
Dim TSPortChange 'Variable to hold the new TS port
Dim Continue
Dim Exiting
'Create reference to Windows Scripting Host Network Object
Set WshNet = wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
'Providing an Input box to Enter TS Port
TSPortChange = InputBox("What Port would you like your Terminal Server or Remote Desktop Machine on? (i.e. 4000)","TS Port Changer")
Continue = MsgBox ("Is port "& TSPortChange &" correct?", 4, "TS Port Changer")
If (Continue = 7) Then
Exiting = MsgBox ("Nothing has been done. Exiting...", 64, "TS Port Changer")
WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\PortNumber", ""& TSPortChange &"" , "REG_DWORD"
Ending = MsgBox ("Port chanaged to "& TSPortChange &"", 64, "TS Port Changer")
End If
Using this script will allow you to set each windows machine with a different port number so you can access them from the outside as well as inside the lan.
Hope this helps.
If youre computer does not have RD installed you can download it from here.
Ok lets look at it this way. The router will open ports to allow you to access the computers from the internet correct.
So if computer 1 has an ip address of and a remote desktop port of 3389 you woould open that port in the router then from outside the lan you will type youreipaddress:3389 and from inside the lan you will type
Now if you have more than one computer you want to acccess you would set the additional computers with different ports such as computer 2 would be or oustide youreipaddress:3390 and so on and so on..
So then in youre router you would have the open ports to access the individual computers. Think of the port number as a individual house number and the ip address is the street number.
Now to get the port numbers changed on each of the windows xp machines you can do it 2 ways :
Copy this script that i found and save it as portchange.vbs then exeecute the script on all the computers that you want to change.
'Script used to change the Default Terminal Services Port
'On Error Resume Next
'open the file system object
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set WSHShell = wscript.createObject("")
Dim WshNet 'WshNetwork object
Dim TSPortChange 'Variable to hold the new TS port
Dim Continue
Dim Exiting
'Create reference to Windows Scripting Host Network Object
Set WshNet = wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
'Providing an Input box to Enter TS Port
TSPortChange = InputBox("What Port would you like your Terminal Server or Remote Desktop Machine on? (i.e. 4000)","TS Port Changer")
Continue = MsgBox ("Is port "& TSPortChange &" correct?", 4, "TS Port Changer")
If (Continue = 7) Then
Exiting = MsgBox ("Nothing has been done. Exiting...", 64, "TS Port Changer")
WshShell.RegWrite "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\PortNumber", ""& TSPortChange &"" , "REG_DWORD"
Ending = MsgBox ("Port chanaged to "& TSPortChange &"", 64, "TS Port Changer")
End If
Using this script will allow you to set each windows machine with a different port number so you can access them from the outside as well as inside the lan.
Hope this helps.