Hopefuly someone has an idea on how to do this. I am needing to set up 2 vpn's in my house. One of them is already set up and has internet connection, the other one I need to set it up, in a way where the second vpn doesn't have internet connection, but can still communicate with the other computers on the other network. I am not wanting to configure static ip addresses on the other network, and just disable the internet communication to thoose ip's. I am also going to need a dhcp running, since only one computer on my network currently has that static ip, and will only have a static, the others I need as dynamic. Right now only going to have is 2 routers, and a dsl router for internet. The 2 routers for the network(s) is 1, a off brand 4 port 10/100 router, and the other is a dlink 614+ (wireless router). The off-brand router is my current main router, that also has the dsl connection; the other router I don't want dsl connection to it, but still allow communication between all the computers. Now, could I possibly just give the dlink router a static ip address, and disable the internet connection to that ip address; and have that limit the internet connectivity on the wireless part? Essiently I have between 4-7 computers on, about 3-4 of them has to have internet, the other must not have internet at all, without defining a static ip address to each of them.