Dec 7, 1998 #1 bigscouse MIS Oct 6, 1998 420 GB Does anyone know how I can set up an icon to issue a batch job to run backup for a set of disks. If not could a batch job be set up to run using at?
Does anyone know how I can set up an icon to issue a batch job to run backup for a set of disks. If not could a batch job be set up to run using at?
Dec 8, 1998 #2 EHA MIS Nov 12, 1998 2 FI Put this in a batch file<br> ntbackup backup c: d: /d "Full backup drives c: and d:" /b /hcn /t NORMAL /l "c:\backup\backup.log"<br> Upvote 0 Downvote
Put this in a batch file<br> ntbackup backup c: d: /d "Full backup drives c: and d:" /b /hcn /t NORMAL /l "c:\backup\backup.log"<br>
Dec 9, 1998 Thread starter #3 bigscouse MIS Oct 6, 1998 420 GB Brilliant EHA, it works a treat. Thanks. Upvote 0 Downvote