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Setting up a VPN for Remote Access 2

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Aug 15, 2002

I need some help setting up a VPN for remote access. I have a Win2K server and a firewall/router that is hooked up to cable internet. One of my employees is on XP and he would like to work on some of the projects that is stored on our server from his house. He is on XP Pro by the way. He is on cable internet also. Can someone please help? We would like it to be a secure also.

I went through the tutorial and had some problems. First, I have 3 network adapters. And when I set it up the way the tutorial said, it shut down my lan. I couldnt get to my shares on my server or anything. Can someone help?
Ok, not a lot to work with here. Were you doing the setup for a server or client? Three network cards? I would assume that one is hotwired to the internet connection and the other two serve separate subnets? This is a W2K or XP machine that zonked out? Did the VPN actually connect, or did you get that far? If you did connect, did you get data across?

My first thoughts as to what might have happened, without the other info. . . . If you were setting up a client, did you enable connection sharing? If so, turn it off. If you were setting up a server, did you elect to have addresses assigned automaticly? If so, go back and specify a range of addresses.

Couple more things about the present problem. You said the lan is dead, you can't get to shares. Can you ping other hosts on the network? Can you ping the ip's of your own network cards? How bout ping Open a command window, and type 'route print'. That will give you a dump of your routing table. If you don't understand it, DO NOT copy and past directly to a thread. If you need to post it, edit out the last three numbers of any ip addresses before you post it, ie 192.xxx.xxx.xxx.

Lot's of homework, but that's the way it goes sometimes. Breath deep and don't rush yourself. Post back and be patient, we'll see if we can't figure this out.

I am trying to do both. My side is the most important as I am trying to setup the server. I can figure out how to setup the client in XP Pro. Shouldnt be too bad. My VPN never did connect. This is a file server here in my office. I have 3 NICS in it, because I have it set where all can get Internet, but one NIC deals with DHCP requests, one deals with actual file serving and the other one deals with WINS. I did not enable connection sharing. I did assign it a range of addresses. I assigned it my exclude range in my DHCP server. I deleted the remote access and routing for the VPN so everythign is back to normal. Can someone help me start from scratch. I am setup with cable internet and have a linksys firewall/router also. Please help. You can also message me on AIM at snowboarder401. Thanks

I followed both tut.; i set up the server on mine and the client on his. He connects and i see him connecting on mine however it crashes his inet and he unchecked the "Use default gateway on remote computer" and he says he can't access anything; are there anything else to set on my end like some permissions i'm overlooking?
i guess i should give you background info

I tried to set this up; i'm not by anymeans an advanced user; We're both on XP Pro, my computer i set up as the vpn server i'm not on a home lan however he is and he set his up, we both are on broadband/cable. i think i'm stumbling on the remote computers getting thier ip address.
QuantumRavenXP . . . I'm going to start a new thread for you. Your issues will be slightly different, but watch all of the threads. Something might pop up that applies.

Look for 'VPN for XP Pro over cable'
site4sure -- Your config is more complicated than I anticipated. Still, I think your problem has to be something fairly simple. I wish your machine was here in front of me, long distance troubleshooting is for the birds.

Anyway, the first place I would look would be the routing tables. It sounds like maybe everything is trying to route through the VPN when you have it configured. Print your routing table. Try to ping your the network cards in your server from the server - all three of them. If that works, your network is not dead, the packets just aren't routing through the right interface.

Also, in your second post, you stated the lan is dead, you can't see shares. You didn't answer my follow up, can you ping other computers on the network?

Again I don't think there is something small causing your problems, but it will take some time and patience if you plan to diagnose long distance.
Can't see any reason for you to make your server the VPN server as well. If you are on High Speed Cable on both sides you can simply purchase a couple of Linksys BEFVp41's for $150 each. Make sure you have a static IP from your provider for your site (where the server is). Set up a tunnel, give the user the information so that they can go home and establish the tunnel and off you go. The only other thing you will need to do is create an LMHOST file for the client machine and your problems should be solved. The BEFVP41's can support up to 70 tunnels with either DES or 3DES and SHA or MD5. About as secure as you are going to get.

I guess the thing is, I am trying to set something up simple. One of my web developers would like to work from home on some of the projects but be able to connect to my server and what not here, without actually being here at the office. We also would like this, so we dont have to worry about who has the most current copy etc. Can anyone help with this. This is why I was thinking the VPN.

This is the simplest and most cost effective solution I found. I have 10 tunnels up and running in several different situations and they have been rock solid. I tried the built in IPSec stuff in XP and 2000 and almost hung myself I was so frustrated. The hardware solution rocks and your end users will love it because once it is configureed you can pretty much forget about it. If you go with software and the remote user hoses his machine or whatever you have to start all over again. I spent months researching and testing and the Linksys solution wins all day long.

Thanks for the information. Here is my next question. What exactly do I need to buy. I am looking in buying a wireless switch from Linksys. Is there one that integrate both solutions or would that be scary cause it is wireless?

Initially you will need to contact your cable provider and request a static IP for the location where the server resides. That can take a few weeks. In the mean time you want to buy (2)Linksys BEFVP41's . Basically these boxes will make the connection to the high speed cable, provide 4 ports to share the connections, do basic NATing and provide VPN capabilities. They will support up to 70 tunnels. (Not that anybody needs that). As far as wireless is concerned I am still partial to the Linksys product line. You can buy an access point but they are typically more expensive than buying the 4 port cable/dsl router with wireless built in. This way you simply use it as an access point but you always have the other functionality if you need it.
Keep in touch and let me know how you make out.
Hello Everyone,

I will be ordering two routers today (Friday). When they get here and I get them hooked up what do I need to do? I cannot get a static IP from my cable provider. Doesnt suprise me a bit. But, I can read the IP address to my worker when he needs to access the VPN. How fast are the VPNs. Also, how do they work or what access can he have or do?
I am the one trying to connect to site4sure's server to do work from home. We just got our Linksys routers today. We got the BEFVP41 models. We're ready to go, now what?


Tech got his Internet today, and we are ready to setup the VPN can someone help. Please read aboe as it has our equipment which is just the VPN Linksys Routers.

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