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Setting up a numerical server address 1

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Apr 20, 1999
Hello; I'm really wanting to use my own computer as a server (accessible through the internet) for experimental purposes. I'm REALLY not wanting to have to pay the $70 interNIC fee for a address and I have see many people use (or speak of using) a server address such as:<br>
or something like that; does anyone know how to register something like that (with OR w/o paying any fees)?<br>
I'd REALLY appreciate the help as I have come up empty everywhere I've turned while trying to solve this problem on my own.<br>
You don't register the address. That is your IP, it is doled out by your service provider. Do you plan on using an ISP (like AT&T Worldnet or AOL) or what?<br>
I use AT&T worldnet, and have a vqServer running at home. The only problem is that AT&T does not give you a static IP, so I have to publish my IP to the AT&T site, which a user then clicks on to get to my home site.<br>
This method is fine, for me. Since I only use the server at home for expeimental and testing purposes. If you need more details... just write me back (or page me on ICQ, you've got the number ;-) It's really not difficult at all to set up.
I'm using NetZero; all I need to know now is: how do I find out my IP #?<br>
Also, if is my IP # unique only to my computer (at least during any one internet session?) if not, then how can I reference files on my hard rive through it?<br>
thank you,<br>
Yes, your IP is unique to your computer (or should be). It is assigned (as I said) by your service provider (think of it as a telephone number for you computer... do you see the analogy?) No 2 computers should ever have the same IP address, if they do you would get a conflict...<br>
To find out your address, go to a DOS window and type in IPCONFIG. You should see a line that reads IP Address......... (or whatever you IP address is). Also, there are plenty of "neat" programs out there that will pull up you IP address and copy it to the clipboard (Or whatever) Just go to and do a search on IP it should turn up a few progs. Hope this helps!
Ok, THANKS!!!<br>
You can pull up your IP address via ICQ, I'm on me chool's computer right now, but when I get home I'll find my address there so I can start using it; thank you VERY much!<br>
You are absolutely right... I forgot that ICQ used the IP address lookup method for the personal web page. Good thinking :)
I tried connecting to my computer using my IP address listed on ICQ, and made sure I had the right one through Netscape; but, for some reason, it'sNOT letting me connect; do you have any idea why?
Do you have a server running? If so which server? I use vqServer for my relatively simple tasks, and Microsofts Internet Infromation Server 4.0 for my more serious web jobs.
Oh; maybe THAT's the problem; I was just using a generic (sit down for this one) PACKARD BELL (BOOOOOOOO, HISSSSSSS) desktop system running Windows 95. OK, I guess it's time to install Linux or FreeBSD & get myself a server program.<br>
Once I get a server program installed; can I then look up files on my computer from a 'net browser located on the SAME computer?<br>
Thanks for all your help<br>
Actually, with what you have now, you should be good to go. Forget what I said about vqServer. I will send you a fantastic web server called "WebSite Professional" next time you are online when I am. I just downloaded it last night, and man it is great!!! You have got to check it out!
THANKS! I'll try to get on ICQ for a while tonight; when are you on?<br>
(Oh, actually...I think that there now IS a server program installed on my computer--back orifice--I'm trying to find the file so I can delete it...back orifice allows others to access your computer & control it more that YOU can!)<br>
Gotta go; lunch break's over!<br>
A good way to do this is after you set up your numerical IP address, you can go to one of these free redirection places like You can have your address be This is the way I like to do it with my website ( because you can have a short and personalized URL for your site withough having to pay the InterNic fees.
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