I have written a function that is passed a boolean value that I am using to set the visibility of the controls on the form. In some instances, though "True" is passed, I still want to set some control's visibility to false. How can I still use the passed parameter in an opposite fashion instead of hard coding "false" or "true" whichever opposite applies?
For example:
I don't want to use "false" here, I would like to use an opposite of bSetCtl while still using the parameter bSetCtl
Thanks for any help,
For example:
Private Sub ManipulateControls(sCRIT As String, bSetCtl As Boolean)
Select Case sCRIT
Case "AddUser"
Me.CmdDELUSER.Visible = False
Me.CmdADDUSER.Visible = bSetCtl
Thanks for any help,