Hi, thanks for reading my question. This is my first web site and I dont know how to set the resolution, on the microsoft Front Page, to fit automatically in any screen size. What can I do? Please help.
I would set it at 800x600, that seems to be the more prevalent display dimension. Also be ware that if you set it automatically adjust for screen size, "stuff" is going to move around. I use a tables and set my tables for 700 pixels wide. That way objects dont change from screen to screen.
To set the size u can right click and choose properties on whatever you are setting the size for.
Yes, but how do you set it in the first place, is it your desktop setting in the first place and then create and publish the page based on your desk top setting or is there a certain command you have to execute.
The easiest way to set it to the right size is to create a table at the size you want and put the content in the table. By the way, if you try to create a web page at 800x600, it probably won't print properly. I've seen a lot of sites where the words are truncated at the end of the line, so the visitor misses out on the content. If you want your web site to be printable, you should do some test prints as you design it to make sure it fits.
Linda Adams (Garridon@aol.com)
"The Importance of Being Grammarian," published in The Toastmaster, March 2001
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