Hi All,
I am trying to set the default value for a table field based on a form field and an auto number field to create a unique ID across all of our work.
When I enter the expression:
=Right([Form]![frmWkDt]![txtReqNo],10) & [idwo]
I get the error message:
"Could not fine field 'Form]![frmWkDt]![txtReqNo'."
So of course I try just the form reference:
and I get the same error message.
This is almost an exact copy out of the help on default values, =Forms!frmInvoice!txtShipTo so I am puzzled. The form is open and has an appropriate value in the field in question. I thought the missing brackets in the error message might be a clue so I tried adding a few quotes but that just saves the default as text. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?
There is no rule more invariable than that we are paid for our suspicions by finding out what we expected.
Henry David Thoreau