Hi Everyone,
I have a Crystal Report with a sub report. There is no field/fields that directly link my subreport to the main.
As the main report runs, I am building a coma delimited field of invoice numbers in a Shared Variable. When the report gets to the section I want my sub-report to print in,
this Shared Variable has a complete list off all the invoice numbers I'd like included in the sub report. I can pass this variable to the sub report, but cannot set my record selection formula to use this variable. Nor will it work with a formula field. (I've placed this data in a formula field as well, and tried it. It will not run this way.)
So basicaly I have a coma delimited list of invoice numbers, in a shared variable, that I want the sub report to use for record selection.
Example. Shared Variable="INVOICENBRS"
INVOICENBRS=123456,555555,222222,333333 etc...
I have a Crystal Report with a sub report. There is no field/fields that directly link my subreport to the main.
As the main report runs, I am building a coma delimited field of invoice numbers in a Shared Variable. When the report gets to the section I want my sub-report to print in,
this Shared Variable has a complete list off all the invoice numbers I'd like included in the sub report. I can pass this variable to the sub report, but cannot set my record selection formula to use this variable. Nor will it work with a formula field. (I've placed this data in a formula field as well, and tried it. It will not run this way.)
So basicaly I have a coma delimited list of invoice numbers, in a shared variable, that I want the sub report to use for record selection.
Example. Shared Variable="INVOICENBRS"
INVOICENBRS=123456,555555,222222,333333 etc...