I've written a couple of web parts and successfully installed them into the standard Web Part Gallery. I don't want everyone who uses Share Portal 2003 in my organisation to be able to use the web part, so how do I set permissions to only allow certain people to see the web part in the gallery?
I've tried googling this issue and one answer on the Microsoft website talked about setting up a new web part gallery - is this the way to go.
The other thought I had was to program the web parts to search against a list of users and only display content if the list says that they can - so they would be able to drag the web part onto the screen but not see anything displayed in it. But surely Share Portal makes provision for permissions?
I've tried googling this issue and one answer on the Microsoft website talked about setting up a new web part gallery - is this the way to go.
The other thought I had was to program the web parts to search against a list of users and only display content if the list says that they can - so they would be able to drag the web part onto the screen but not see anything displayed in it. But surely Share Portal makes provision for permissions?