Crystal Reports 8.5, Automation Server, VB 6
I have a main report which is made up of many sub reports, within vb I have a button which generates the report in teh report viewer, I can specify the paramater field for the main report using the code:
Report.ParameterFields("NumPatientsandConsults".SetCurrentValue ("BRAD02"
I am having difficulty setting the paramater values within the sub reports, the updating the main report, I am getting an error "Subscript out of range".
Is there a way to produce code for the Crystal equivalent of
Refresh Report Data, Prompt for new paramter values, then fill in the paramater values. I do not want the prompt to be displayed I would like to fill the paramaters in using code. and example of one of my sub reports is Page6 and the paramater is PracticeID={BRAD01}. thankyou for any help in advance
I have a main report which is made up of many sub reports, within vb I have a button which generates the report in teh report viewer, I can specify the paramater field for the main report using the code:
Report.ParameterFields("NumPatientsandConsults".SetCurrentValue ("BRAD02"
I am having difficulty setting the paramater values within the sub reports, the updating the main report, I am getting an error "Subscript out of range".
Is there a way to produce code for the Crystal equivalent of
Refresh Report Data, Prompt for new paramter values, then fill in the paramater values. I do not want the prompt to be displayed I would like to fill the paramaters in using code. and example of one of my sub reports is Page6 and the paramater is PracticeID={BRAD01}. thankyou for any help in advance