Just writing an app that will download a file from an ftp server, which it does. I want to be able to resume the Ftp downloads from where the downloads last failed. I have the code in place to save the current position where the download failed but not sure how to make the ftpwebrequest class start the download from the point where it last failed. Is there any way to specify what part of the file you want to start downloading at with this class(ex. For instance I may want to start downloading at byte 3400090 instead of downloading the whole thing again)? Many thanks in advance.
Just writing an app that will download a file from an ftp server, which it does. I want to be able to resume the Ftp downloads from where the downloads last failed. I have the code in place to save the current position where the download failed but not sure how to make the ftpwebrequest class start the download from the point where it last failed. Is there any way to specify what part of the file you want to start downloading at with this class(ex. For instance I may want to start downloading at byte 3400090 instead of downloading the whole thing again)? Many thanks in advance.