Hi, all.
In one of the components of my "Controller", I have a piece of code that adds a java.util.Date to my request scope:
request.setAttribute("begin_date", resp.getBeginDate());
Then, one of my "View" components retrieves this attribute, and copies it into another local bean:
<bean:define id="statementDate" name="begin_date" scope="request" type="java.util.Date"/>
However, when I run my application, an exception is thrown, indicating the following:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean begin_date in scope request
What am I doing wrong, here? Am I missing the proper way to copy the begin_date attribute into the statementDate bean?
In one of the components of my "Controller", I have a piece of code that adds a java.util.Date to my request scope:
request.setAttribute("begin_date", resp.getBeginDate());
Then, one of my "View" components retrieves this attribute, and copies it into another local bean:
<bean:define id="statementDate" name="begin_date" scope="request" type="java.util.Date"/>
However, when I run my application, an exception is thrown, indicating the following:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean begin_date in scope request
What am I doing wrong, here? Am I missing the proper way to copy the begin_date attribute into the statementDate bean?