So I am creating a form to sell next years list of shows to Season ticket holders.
Part of that form requires E-mail confirmation however our control; over the email content is limited, it only takes text and values stated in the form.
In order to avoid listing all the shows on the email, i created a java script if else statement to provide a null value for shows that were not purchased, however the line breaks are still present.
So i assigned <br /> to part of the value, however this sets off the "Server Error in '/' Application".
Is there a way to include a new line into the value field, without it being seen as a error?
Java scrip
Email Coding
Part of that form requires E-mail confirmation however our control; over the email content is limited, it only takes text and values stated in the form.
In order to avoid listing all the shows on the email, i created a java script if else statement to provide a null value for shows that were not purchased, however the line breaks are still present.
So i assigned <br /> to part of the value, however this sets off the "Server Error in '/' Application".
Server Error in '/' Application.
A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceB="<br />Tickets Reques...").
Description: Request Validation has detected a potentially dangerous client input value, and processing of the request has been aborted. This value may indicate an attempt to compromise the security of your application, such as a cross-site scripting attack. You can disable request validation by setting validateRequest=false in the Page directive or in the configuration section. However, it is strongly recommended that your application explicitly check all inputs in this case.
Is there a way to include a new line into the value field, without it being seen as a error?
Java scrip
<SCRIPT language=javascript type=text/javascript>
function set_pricetag(rad_obj)
var PriceA=document.getElementById('value1');
var PriceB=document.getElementById('value2');
var PriceC=document.getElementById('value3');
var date=document.getElementById('value4');
var unmform_values=rad_obj.value.split(',');
function calculate(what)
what.unmform_Total_Price_all.value =
( (what.unmform_Total_Capitol_Steps_PriceA.value - 0)
+ (what.unmform_Total_Capitol_Steps_PriceB.value - 0)
+ (what.unmform_Total_Capitol_Steps_PriceC.value - 0)).toFixed(2);
if (what.unmform_Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceA.value == 0)
what.Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceA.value = null;
what.total_Capitol_Steps_PriceA.value = null;
what.Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceA.value = "Tickets Requested Capitol Steps Price A: ";
what.total_Capitol_Steps_PriceA.value = " , Total Capitol Steps Price A $";
if (what.unmform_Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceB.value == 0)
what.Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceB.value = null;
what.total_Capitol_Steps_PriceB.value = null;
what.Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceB.value = "<br />Tickets Requested Capitol Steps Price B: ";
what.total_Capitol_Steps_PriceB.value = " , Total Capitol Steps Price B $";
if (what.unmform_Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceC.value == 0)
what.Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceC.value = null;
what.total_Capitol_Steps_PriceC.value = null;
what.Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceC.value = "<br /> Tickets Requested Capitol Steps Price C: ";
what.total_Capitol_Steps_PriceC.value = " , Total Capitol Steps Price C $";
Email Coding
Dear <ctl00$Content_MainContent$textbox_FirstName> <ctl00$Content_MainContent$textbox_LastName>,
Thank you for your purchase of Ovation Tickets.
Your Order totaling <unmform_Total_Price_all> has been received
and will be processed shortly.
Your tickets will be mailed at a later date.
Order Summary
Your order is as follows,
<Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceA> <unmform_Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceA> <total_Capitol_Steps_PriceA><unmform_Total_Capitol_Steps_PriceA><Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceB> <unmform_Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceB> <total_Capitol_Steps_PriceB><unmform_Total_Capitol_Steps_PriceB><Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceC> <unmform_Tix_Requested_Capitol_Steps_PriceC> <total_Capitol_Steps_PriceC><unmform_Total_Capitol_Steps_PriceC>
Grand Total: <unmform_Total_Price_all>